Why Try Acupuncture | |||||
-Acupuncture may help to increase the volume of blood flow, and regulate the immunological function of the human body, thus giving therapeutic effects for allergic rhinitis. -Acupuncture involves the use of hair-fine needles to stimulate specific points on the body along the meridians. Acupuncture works by removing energy blockages in the meridians and regulating the overall flow of energy so that the body can return to a state of balance and health. - In the case of allergic rhinitis, the blockage of energy is situated in the lung meridian, for which the nose is considered an extension. Under normal conditions, the lungs can control respiration and ensure that one breathes freely through the nose and with an acute sense of smell. In Chinese Medicine, the lungs are also responsible for dispersing energy throughout the body and for preventing pathogenic factors from invading the body. The ideal time to treat seasonal allergic rhinitis using acupuncture is at least one month before symptoms normally begin. Seasonal Symptomsneed 3 treatments, once a week, 3 weeks in total.
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
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